Thursday, February 9, 2012


Question: What are you doing differently in 2012? Have you decided to make any significant or not-so-significant changes? If you have, why now?

It seems like most of us have been holding our breath for a few years, and we're finally exhaling to new adventures, lifestyle changes and increased awareness of what's happening in our relationships. Could it be that we've decided that life must go on even if...the job market is lousy, most mortgages are underwater, the news becomes more depressing and life in general gets more difficult.

Several transitions are going on here as well. First, I am back to blogging! However, my focus has shifted to include wellness, coping strategies and inspirations that can help us all in the journey of life. As I make my way to my new career as a Professional Licensed Counselor, I am learning so many ways to help myself with my own issues, that surely some of the ideas can be useful to you as well.

First, this year I am using a Gratitude Journal. There's even an app for that! In fact, I love the app because I can use a photo with it and I am capturing daily reminders of what I am thankful for. I can't wait to look back over the year on New Year's Eve. My goal is to use it daily, but honestly some days I slack off. But, I'm grateful for slacking off, so it works.

Also, I'm eating better. It's amazing how much better I feel when I eat clean and eliminate the sugar and junk. My goal is to eat well on weekdays so that the weekends can be more relaxed. Before, I was out of control with my poor eating habits because I am habitually stressed and would reward myself with a dog. For a great reference, please check out my cousin, Mercedes Turino, who is a Health Coach and inspiration!

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