Friday, October 1, 2010


What would your version of Utopia look like? I got to thinking about this recently when my oldest daughter came home with an Advanced Language Arts book about Utopia. We generally are too busy dealing with what is than trying to create what if. The real question is, can we achieve our own version of Utopia if we set our minds to it? First, I wanted to start by defining my Utopia. My Utopia would look like this:

1. My children would never get sick.
2. I would live to be 100 years old.
3. I would no longer tell myself negative body image thoughts. (Wouldn't this change your life if you stopped telling yourself how much you hated your _____.)
4. I would schedule time for fun each day.
5. There would be no more family drama.
6. I would work at something that I was passionate about and wouldn't care if I made a dime.
7. Then again, I would already be uber-rich.
8. I would show my friends how much I loved them by my actions and we'd spend time on fabulous adventures.
9. I would spend quality time with my husband EVERY day and make date nights a non-negotiable thing.
10. My husband would respond to the above by lavishing me with compliments and gifts! :)
11. I would have a farm and a lot more animals.
12. I would be more like my sister and see the fun in EVERYTHING.
13. I would be more like my brother and follow my dreams.
14. I would adore my mother all the time.
15. I would always dress cool.
16. There would be no bad hair days.
17. All of my debts would be paid.
18. I would meditate.
19. I would do Pilates and yoga everyday - then go for a horseback ride on my farm (see 11).
20. I would get a college degree in something I really loved this time.
21. I would never ignore little red flags.
22. I would eat healthy 80% of the time. (I mean, really, who could do 100%?)
23. I would drink more wine.
24. I would travel to see all my loved ones regularly.
25. I would live in each moment aware of the past and future, but completely engrossed in the present.

This is actually a lot harder than it seems because reality keeps whispering in my head. I don't know, I think I am going to try a few of these on my list. Nothing is perfect, but I really think we need to create the life we want to live. I am off to try it...until next time.