Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Changing Seasons

Today it feels like fall and with it, a sense of change. I typically like fall, however, lately I've been feeling like its a sort of a death. A death of summer and all that summer conjures up. I absolutely love summer because 1) the kids are home and playful 2) the sun is shining - hopefully on me and 3) there's a party attitude in all of us to get outside and be happy. But when the tan fades, so does the party so to speak. School starts, routines kick in, and the holiday stress begins. Now, fall colors are beautiful and heck, who doesn't love a Spartan football game? (My family: don't answer that!) But we know what's coming: WINTER. And the only good thing about winter is that it brings spring, which brings summer.

I was recently told by a very wise spiritual mentor and relative that I was going through a mid-life transit. These are typically called mid-life crisis. I don't feel in crisis but I definitely feel in transit. So, change not only happens with the seasons, it happens to us internally. And, its happening to me right now. It could be something as simple as a new hairstyle (done), purging of your stuff (done) or something much larger like following a dream (working on...). I just know that I am not always where I am supposed to be, if that makes any sense. Like there's something greater that I should be doing and I am so impatient to figure out what it is. This has happened alot in my life, so this must be my journey...

Change also happens to friendships, I think - and especially to women. Lately, I have been really blessed to realize that a few people who I admire have really welcomed me into their lives. I love that realization that comes when you feel the feeling of "they like me!" Colder change happens when you realize that certain friends don't have as much in common with you anymore, or they aren't as available. Although I think all things ebb and flow, sometimes with friends, the ebb continues to a point of flatness. And as much as you try, it just doesn't seem to flow anymore.

Watching your children go to school definitely makes you realize how much has changed, doesn't it?! Each year brings new opportunities for them to make their way in the world, and watching them grow is amazing. Alyssa is in 7th grade, and OMG, I remember what we did in 7th grade! I had my first french kiss in 7th grade - god help that poor boy in South Dakota (who is now a very rich dentist!). And Sierra is in 4th grade and struggling to free all her creativity - so it seeps out in little unexpected ways, which I love.

I have the following quote on my desk at all times, and it's about change:

We must be willing to get rid of the life we planned, as to have the life that is waiting for us. - Joseph Campbell

Until next time...